Mas há mais ! Agora em Inglês, para vosso treino! Faz bem!
"Nine Residents Lose Home Due To Orgy"
It's bound to make you smile, it's bound to make your imagination run wild, but for the old folks involved, it ended in tears.
A group of nine elderly English residents were kicked out of their nursing home after having decided to celebrate their friend's 90th birthday party in style and with gusto ... by having an orgy in the recreation room!
The oldsters, ranging in age from 73 to 98 lit candles, slathered baby oil and played music to create the sexy mood. The three romeos and six seductresses boogied for about twenty minutes until a staffer, on hearing the rumba music, went to investigate.
"They hadn't gotten too far -- I guess it was taking some of the gents a while to get started," said the unidentified staffer. "But they were all naked. Believe me, it was the scariest thing I've seen in all my life!"
Why were they booted out?
"This may sound harmless or amusing to some people, but Scarborough has a reputation to uphold. We cannot tolerate that kind of conduct!"
Although the nursing home endeavoured to keep the story out of the press, enough detail was released to force the well respected Edith Scarborough Nursing Home to admit the bizarre story was true.
Nota - Esta notícia vem num jornal da Nova Zelândia, e por isso:
In contacting a few New Zealand resthomes to see if this activity set some kind of a precedent, it sounds like our pensioners are a much more sedate group. "If it is going on, it's a lot more discrete and probably in someone's private room." said one supervisor. "And that baby oil could be a bit dangerous, someone could slip and break a hip ... or anything, in fact."
Entre as duas fontes existem diferenças, como se pode verificar numa leitura atenta. Mas que o episódio aconteceu, disso não haverá dúvidas! Expulsar os foliões é que acho excessivo e imoral. Afinal de contas apenas estariam a fazer o que, certamente, nunca haviam feito. O seu pensamento por certo não andaria longe de darem cumprimento àquele provérbio português que ouvíamos aos nossos avós e que hoje, infelizmente, tanta gente desconhece: "Morra Marta, mas morra farta!"
Saúdo-os e com eles estou solidário.
Jorge G. 08.09.2006